Janet Mooney
In 2018, Janet gained a first class degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, followed in 2021 by an MA in Creative Writing, both from the University of Hertfordshire.
Script assistant for the 2024 UK Tour of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, for Crossroads Live, directed by Thom Southerland.
Dramaturgy with additional script writing for Abrasion, a new one-woman play by Meg-Rose Dixon, for Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2024.
Associate for a new play with music, based on The Pianist, a memoir of Wlayslaw Szpilman, for MAST, Southampton.
Book writer and dramaturg for If This Be Sin, a bio musical of Blues singer and LGBTQ+ pioneer, Gladys Bentley (currently in development).
Narrative development and script preparation for Marnie & the Kaleidoscope, a new musical for children. (2020-23)
Contextual research, script development and workshop casting for The Navigator, (now called Spitfire Girl) a musical set in the context of WWII .
Script consultant for Their Finest Hour, a play with music adapted from letters, anecdotes and personal accounts from WWII .
Freelance writer for Thom Southerland (Artistic Director at MAST theatre, Southampton). Projects included scriptwriting, contextual research and pitch development, with successful pitches for the following new works:
Pitch proposal and script development for the initial draft of the book for She Loves You, a new musical, featuring the music of Lennon & McCartney, produced in Denmark 2022.
Script development, contextual research and pitch proposal for Production #6, a new musical based on the Charlie Chaplin film, The Great Dictator, for Umeda Arts Theatre, Osaka.
Pitch proposal for The Pianist, a new musical, based on the novel by Wladislaw Szpilman, for Umeda Arts Theatre, Osaka.
Key skills include contextual research and analysis, project development, pitch presentations, preparation of documents.
Janet is proficient in Final Draft, Scrivener, Word and Excel.